Monday, April 27, 2009

Don't Participate In This Recesssion

It is all a state of mind. In my 26 years as a Realtor in the Lehigh Valley area, I have seen many up, down & sideways markets. In the end the affordability index for real estate is at an all time high. You have to live somewhere, and with the abundant supply of housing choices & fixed rate mortgages at an all time low around 4.75 % for 30 years. It is very hard to pass up. You are also positioned to gain equity in this market. Remember real estate is going to bounce back. If you are concerned on losing your job, you can lose your job in any market and it still affects you when you are also renting! If you are waiting on the sidelines, do not wait to long, the buyer activity is picking up. Do not forget if you are a 1st. time home buyer, you can qualify up to an $8,000.00 rebate from Uncle Sam. This goes away if you do not purchase by December 2009. For more info contact me at: