Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Reducing Energy Costs

One topic that draws a lot of attention is reducing energy costs. I put a few of them in this post. Since home heating oil is 6% higher this year, and last year it was 35% higher it makes sense to do some obvious measures. The basic one is caulking and weather striping doors and windows. If you have the money for upgrading your windows a good choice would be a maintenance free vinyl clad windows, with low emittance coatings to double insulated filled with krypton or argon gas. If you can't afford new windows, storm windows may be a good choice. If you like a good reference go to: . On Southern facing windows you can gain some free heat, by keeping the curtains open during the day. If you are low on funds or may be renting a home, you can purchase the 3M shrink wrap kits that do a nice job.

You can save on your lighting needs with fluorescent compact light bulbs, which also run cooler. Light dimmers work well and save on your electric bill. They do offer dimmers that are compatible with fluorescent bulbs.

To reduce your heating costs, invest in a programmable thermostat. It will save you money and extend the life of your furnace/boiler. If you have a warm air system change your filter every 30 days. This goes without saying, have your system cleaned at least once a year. If your furnace/boiler is over 20 years old it may only be 55% to 70% efficient. Today's models 80% to upper 90 percent efficient. If you do need a new unit, go for the most efficient model you can afford, in the long run it will pay for itself over time. If you would like more info on this topic & other energy related topics visit U.S. Department of Energy site: If you have a topic you like more info on, drop me a line at:

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