Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Get Ready For Winter

The signs of fall all around. As you prepare for the months ahead - storing summer clothes, checking heating systems and making sure your home is well insulated - don't forget the landscape around your home.

If you've been mowing all spring & summer, it's not time to quit just yet. Continue until the grass stops growing. And speaking of mowing don't forget to take care of your lawnmower. Drain it in late fall, because gas left in the machine will get gummy and may make start up difficult when spring rolls around.

As the temperature drop, so will leaves from trees around your home. It's important to rake lawns regularly. so grass can "breathe." How long can you wait before breaking out the rake? Most gardening experts say you should not go longer than three to four days. however, if the layer of leaves is particularly thick or has been weighed down by rain, the sooner you rake, the better.

If your area gets snow or ice, you'll want to protect deciduous flowering shrubs under a lean-to or similar structure. Begin by building a wire cage that is secured into the ground with poles. Attach chicken wire or heavy gauge wire to the poles and fasten burlap to the sides of the structure to protect the shrubs from damaging wind.

Last but not least, remember your garden hose. Drain it before storing it for the winter and then turn off your outside water supply to prevent pipes from freezing or bursting. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions @ findit@LehighValleyRealty.com Have a great day!

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