Saturday, January 27, 2007

Protecting Your Investment With Home Warranties

A past client of mine emailed me from Arizona this afternoon. I met them over 20 years ago and sold them their 1st. home. I listed and sold the same home last year. They wanted to know the name of the Home Warranty program that I placed on their home when they lived in Bethlehem. They would like the same program on their new home. This prompted me to to write a little bit on "Home Warranty" programs. First off they are great and well worth it for both the buyer and seller. They reduce a lot of concerns for both parties. What do they cover? Each vendor has their own coverage limitations. For the most part standard coverage are as follows, HVAC system, ductwork, plumbing system, Whirlpool motor & pump, sump pumps, water heater, electrical system, exhaust fan, built-in microwave, dishwasher, garbage disposal, cooking range, optional coverage would consist of swimming pool and built-in spa equipment, refrigerator, washer & dryer, and well pumps. Please be advised these do not cover a pre-existing conditions. You should be expected to pay a $60.00 deductible per occurrence. If you have lets say 3 plumbing leaks, this would be considered one deductible. The cost for a program is around $425.00.

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